Cosmic rays have revealed a new chamber in Egypt’s Great Pyramid

Cosmic rays may have just unveiled a hidden chamber within Egypt’s most famous pyramid. An international team led by Kunihiro Morishima at Nagoya University in Japan used muons, the high-energy particles generated when cosmic rays collide with our atmosphere, to explore inside Egypt’s Great Pyramid without moving a stone. (from

Muons can penetrate deep into rock, and get absorbed at different rates depending on the density of the rock they encounter. By placing muon detectors within and around the pyramid, the team could see how much material the particles passed through.

“If there is more mass, fewer muons get to that detector,” says Christopher Morris at Los Alamos National Laboratory, who uses similar techniques to image the internal structure of nuclear reactors. “When there is less mass, more muons get to the detector.”


By looking at the number of muons that arrived at different locations within the pyramid and the angle at which they were travelling, Morishima and his team mapped out cavities within the ancient structure.

This type of exploration – muon radiography – is perfect for sensitive historical sites as it uses naturally occurring radiation and causes no damage to the structure.

The team mapped the pyramid’s three known chambers – the subterranean chamber, the Queen’s chamber, and the King’s chamber – along with connecting corridors. They also detected a new large void above the Grand Gallery that connects the King and Queen’s chamber. This new void is approximately the same volume as the Grand Gallery. The team believes it’s another oversized tunnel similar in dimensions to the Grand Gallery that is at least 30 metres long.

The team used three different muon detectors, starting with nuclear emulsion film within the Queen’s chamber. Like photographic film is exposed to light to make a photo, the emulsion reacts to muons and makes a record of their paths.

Once their initial findings indicated a potential cavity, they confirmed it by placing an instrument that emits a flash of light when struck by muons within the pyramid. Outside the pyramid, they also used detectors that record muons indirectly when the high-energy particles ionise the gas inside. After several months in position to record muons, all three methods confirmed a void in the same location.

“It’s marvelous,” Morris says, noting that the long exposure times increase the robustness of the results. “What they’ve seen is fairly definitive,” he says, although it will take drilling and cameras to determine if the cavity is a structural chamber, or a void created by a long-forgotten collapse.

A team led by Luis Alvarez first tried using muon radiography to map pyramids in 1970, but they were unable to detect new voids. If confirmed, this would be the first newly rediscovered chamber within the Great Pyramid in more than a century.

“I’d love to be there when they first stick a camera through a drill hole,” Morris admitted. “It’s not every day we discover a chamber in a pyramid.”

Journal reference: Nature, DOI: 10.1038/nature24647

Researchers demonstrate new type of laser

Lasers are everywhere nowadays: Doctors use them to correct eyesight, cashiers to scan your groceries, and quantum scientist to control qubits in the future quantum computer. For most applications, the current bulky, energy-inefficient lasers are fine, but quantum scientist work at extremely low temperatures and on very small scales. For over 40 years, they have been searching for efficient and precise microwave lasers that will not disturb the very cold environment in which quantum technology works. (from

A team of researchers led by Leo Kouwenhoven at TU Delft has demonstrated an on-chip microwave laser based on a fundamental property of superconductivity, the ac Josephson effect. They embedded a small section of an interrupted superconductor, a Josephson junction, in a carefully engineered on-chip cavity. Such a device opens the door to many applications in which microwave radiation with minimal dissipation is key, for example in controlling qubits in a scalable quantum computer.

The scientists have published their work in Science on the 3rd of March.


Lasers have the unique ability to emit perfectly synchronized, coherent light. This means that the linewidth (corresponding to the color) is very narrow. Typically lasers are made from a large number of emitters (atoms, molecules, or semiconducting carriers) inside a cavity. These conventional lasers are often inefficient, and dissipate a lot of heat while lasing. This makes them difficult to operate in cryogenic environments, such as what is required for operating a quantum computer.

Superconducting Josephson junction

In 1911, the Dutch physicist Heike Kamerlingh Onnes discovered that some materials transition to a superconducting state at very low temperatures, allowing electrical current to flow without any loss of energy. One of the most important applications of superconductivity is the Josephson effect: if a very short barrier interrupts a piece of superconductor, the electrical carriers tunnel through this non-superconducting material by the laws of quantum mechanics. Moreover, they do so at a very characteristic frequency, which can be varied by an externally applied DC voltage. The Josephson junction is therefore a perfect voltage to light (frequency) converter.

Josephson junction laser

The scientists at QuTech coupled such a single Josephson junction to a high-quality factor superconducting micro-cavity, no bigger than an ant. The Josephson junction acts like a single atom, while the cavity can be seen as two mirrors for microwave light. When a small DC voltage is applied to this Josephson junction, it emits microwave photons that are on resonance with the cavity frequency. The photons bounce back and forth between two superconducting mirrors, and force the Josephson junction to emit more photons synchronized with the photons in the cavity. By cooling the device down to ultra-low temperatures (< 1 Kelvin) and applying a small DC voltage to the Josephson junction, the researchers observe a coherent beam of microwave photons emitted at the output of the cavity. Because the on-chip laser is made entirely from superconductors, it is very energy efficient and more stable than previously demonstrated semiconductor-based lasers. It uses less than a picoWatt of power to run, more than 100 billion times less than a light globe.

Low-loss quantum control

Efficient sources of high quality coherent microwave light are essential in all current designs of the future quantum computer. Microwave bursts are used to read out and transfer information, correct errors and access and control the individual quantum components. While current microwave sources are expensive and inefficient, the Josephson junction laser created at QuTech is energy efficient and offers an on-chip solution that is easy to control and modify. The group is extending their design to use tunable Josephson junctions made from nanowires to allow for microwave burst for fast control of multiple quantum components. In the future, such a device may be able to generate so-called “amplitude-squeezed” light with has smaller intensity fluctuations compared to conventional lasers, this is essential in most quantum communication protocols. This work marks an important step towards the control of large quantum systems for quantum computing.

New Measurement Will Help Redefine International Unit of Mass

Using a state-of-the-art device for measuring mass, researchers at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) have made their most precise determination yet of Planck’s constant, an important value in science that will help to redefine the kilogram, the official unit of mass in the SI, or international system of units. (from )


The new NIST measurement of Planck’s constant is 6.626069934 x 10−34 kg∙m2/s, with an uncertainty of only 13 parts per billion. NIST’s previous measurement, published in 2016, had an uncertainty of 34 parts per billion.

The kilogram is currently defined in terms of the mass of a platinum-iridium artifact stored in France. Scientists want to replace this physical artifact with a more reproducible definition for the kilogram that is based on fundamental constants of nature.

Planck’s constant enables researchers to relate mass to electromagnetic energy. To measure Planck’s constant, NIST uses an instrument known as the Kibble balance, originally called the watt balance. Physicists widely adopted the new name last year to honor the late British physicist Bryan Kibble, who invented the technique more than 40 years ago.

NIST’s Kibble balance uses electromagnetic forces to balance a kilogram mass. The electromagnetic forces are provided by a coil of wire sandwiched between two permanent magnets. The Kibble balance has two modes of operation. In one mode, an electrical current goes through the coil, generating a magnetic field that interacts with the permanent magnetic field and creates an upward force to balance the kilogram mass. In the other mode, the coil is lifted at a constant velocity. This upward motion induces a voltage in the coil that is proportional to the strength of the magnetic field. By measuring the current, the voltage and the coil’s velocity, researchers can calculate the Planck constant, which is proportional to the amount of electromagnetic energy needed to balance a mass.

There are three major reasons for the improvement in the new measurements, said physicist Stephan Schlamminger, leader of the NIST effort.

First, the researchers have much more data. The new result uses 16 months’ worth of measurements, from December 2015 to April 2017. The increase in experimental statistics greatly reduced the uncertainty in their Planck value.

Second, the researchers tested for variations in the magnetic field during both modes of operation and discovered they had been overestimating the impact the coil’s magnetic field was having on the permanent magnetic field. Their subsequent adjustment in their new measurements both increased their value of Planck’s constant and reduced the uncertainty in their measurement.

Finally, the researchers studied in great detail how the velocity of the moving coil affected the voltage. “We varied the speed that we moved the coil through the magnetic field, from 0.5 to 2 millimeters per second,” explained Darine Haddad, lead author of the NIST results.

In a magnetic field, the coil acts like an electric circuit consisting of a capacitor (a circuit element that stores electric charge), a resistor (an element that dissipates electrical energy) and an inductor (an element that stores electrical energy). In a moving coil, these circuit-like elements generate an electrical voltage that changes over time, said Schlamminger. The researchers measured this time-dependent voltage change to account for this effect and reduced the uncertainty in their value.


This new NIST measurement joins a group of other new Planck’s constant measurements from around the world. Another Kibble balance measurement, from the National Research Council of Canada, has an uncertainty of just 9.1 parts per billion. Two other new measurements use the alternative Avogadro technique, which involves counting the number of atoms in a pure silicon sphere.

The new measurements have such low uncertainty that they exceed the international requirements for redefining the kilogram in terms of Planck’s constant.

“There needed to be three experiments with uncertainties below 50 parts per billion, and one below 20 parts per billion,” Schlamminger said. “But we have three below 20 parts per billion.”

All of these new values of the Planck’s constant do not overlap, “but overall they’re in amazingly good agreement,” Schlamminger said, “especially considering that researchers are measuring it with two completely different methods.” These values will be submitted to a group known as CODATA ahead of a July 1 deadline. CODATA will consider all of these measurements in setting a new value for Planck’s constant. The kilogram is slated for redefinition in November 2018, along with other units in the SI.

SESAME passes an important milestone at CERN

The SESAME project has reached an important milestone: the first complete cell of this accelerator for the Middle East has been assembled and successfully tested at CERN. (from


SESAME is a synchrotron light source under construction in Jordan. It will allow researchers from the region to investigate the properties of innovative materials, biological processes and cultural artefacts. SESAME is a unique joint venture that brings together scientists from its Members: Bahrain, Cyprus, Egypt, Iran, Israel, Jordan, Pakistan, the Palestinian Authority and Turkey. Not only is SESAME an important scientific project, it is also helping to build bridges between diverse cultures in a part of the world that usually hits the headlines for its conflicts.

A sextupole assembled in Cyprus and Pakistan based on CERN/SESAME design (Image: Maximilien Brice/CERN)

A sextupole assembled in Cyprus and Pakistan based on CERN/SESAME design (Image: Maximilien Brice/CERN)


CERN has been a strong partner to SESAME, providing technical expertise for the design and procurement of accelerator components. In particular, CERN is responsible for the magnets of the SESAME storage ring and their powering scheme, under a project largely funded by the European Commission (FP7 CESSAMag).

Within this project, CERN has been collaborating with SESAME to design, test and characterize the components of the magnetic system, which is now in production. The main contracts have been split among different companies in Cyprus, France, Israel, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey and the UK, with additional in-kind support (material and personnel) from Iran, Pakistan and Turkey.

The test carried out at CERN together with colleagues from SESAME aimed at assembling a full periodic cell of the machine, one of the 16 which make up the regular structure of the ring. Besides the magnets themselves, this involved also the girder support structure as well as the vacuum chamber for the beam.

Engineers test the installation of a vacuum chamber for SESAME at the CERN magnet-testing facility SM18 (Image: Maximilien Brice/CERN)

Engineers test the installation of a vacuum chamber for SESAME at the CERN magnet-testing facility SM18 (Image: Maximilien Brice/CERN)


“We already knew that the various individual elements fulfil and even exceed the specifications,” says Attilio Milanese, the CERN engineer in charge of the magnets, who is well satisfied since “this test now confirms that all the subsystems work harmoniously together”.

The magnet production is now in full swing. After acceptance tests, these components will be shipped in batches to SESAME by the end of the year, where installation and commissioning of the main synchrotron is planned for 2016.

Saccorhytus coronarius, Humans’ Earliest-Known Ancestor

A microscopic, bag-like marine creature that lived approximately 540 million years ago (Fortunian stage of the Cambrian period) has been identified from microfossils found in Shaanxi Province, China. (from

The ancient animal, named Saccorhytus coronarius, is the most primitive example of a so-called deuterostome.

The creature is thought to be the common ancestor of a huge range of species, and the earliest step yet discovered on the evolutionary path that eventually led to humans, hundreds of millions of years later.

Forty-five phosphatized specimens of Saccorhytus coronaries were collected from the Kuanchuanpu Formation, Hexi, Xixiang County, Shaanxi Province, central China.

They were analyzed by experts from the University of Cambridge in the UK, the University of Kassel in Germany, Northwest University, China University of Geosciences and Xi’an Shiyou University in China. The research was published in the journal Nature on January 30, 2017.

“To the naked eye, the fossils we studied look like tiny black grains, but under the microscope the level of detail is jaw-dropping. All deuterostomes had a common ancestor, and we think that is what we are looking at here,” said lead co-author Prof. Simon Conway Morris, from the University of Cambridge.

“Our team has notched up some important discoveries in the past, including the earliest fish and a remarkable variety of other early deuterostomes,” added lead co-author Dr. Degan Shu, from Northwest University.

Saccorhytus coronarius now gives us remarkable insights into the very first stages of the evolution of a group that led to the fish, and ultimately, to us.”

Most other early deuterostome groups are from about 510 to 520 million years ago, when they had already begun to diversify into not just the vertebrates, but the sea squirts, echinoderms and hemichordates.

This level of diversity has made it extremely difficult to work out what an earlier, common ancestor might have looked like.

By isolating the microfossils from the surrounding rock, and then studying them both under an electron microscope and using a CT scan, the paleontologists were able to build up a picture of how Saccorhytus coronarius might have looked and lived.

This revealed features and characteristics consistent with current assumptions about primitive deuterostomes.

Saccorhytus coronarius was about a millimeter in size, and probably lived between grains of sand on the seabed.

Its body was bilaterally symmetrical — a characteristic inherited by many of its descendants, including humans — and was covered with a thin, relatively flexible skin.

“The body is hemi-ellipsoidal, with a maximum length of 1,300 μm, width 800 μm and height 900 μm. Most material is crushed but several specimens confirm original bilateral symmetry,” the authors said.

image_4578-Saccorhytus-coronariesThis in turn suggests that it had some sort of musculature, leading the team to conclude that it could have made contractile movements, and got around by wriggling.

Perhaps its most striking feature, however, was its rather primitive means of eating food and then dispensing with the resulting waste.

The animal had a large mouth, relative to the rest of its body, and probably ate by engulfing food particles, or even other creatures.

A crucial observation are the small conical structures on its body. These may have allowed the water that it swallowed to escape and so were perhaps the evolutionary precursor of the gills we now see in fish.

But the scientists were unable to find any evidence that the creature had an anus.

“If that was the case, then any waste material would simply have been taken out back through the mouth, which from our perspective sounds rather unappealing,” Prof. Conway Morris explained.

the physikalisch technische bundesanstalt braunschweig/germany paves the way for the redefinition of the ampere

The universe of physics is experiencing great changes: by 2018, scientists want to place all physical base units on solid, unchangeable foundation in the form of fundamental constants. The units “meter” and “second” were well ahead of schedule; now the kelvin, the kilogram, the mole and the ampere are next in line. The research activities of the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) are contributing to this project. Scientists from PTB have now succeeded in measuring the extremely small currents of a single-electron pump with unprecedented accuracy. This is a milestone towards the revision of the International System of Units (SI). (from

set-pumpe-ulca-1The definition of the ampere as it is today is anything but convenient: It is based on a hypothetical test setup which includes two conductors of infinite length. In this setup, an ampere would generate a precisely fixed force. This definition is closely related to mass, which has been a headache for physicists for a long time. Not to mention the instability of the international prototype of the kilogram. The current definition of the kilogram sharply limits the precision with which the ampere can be realized. Physicists have therefore decided that the kilogram prototype has become obsolete and will have to “retire” in 2018, and that the fundaments of the SI should, at the same time, be thoroughly revised.

In order to help the ampere take the leap into the realm of fundamental constants, physicists are counting the electrons which flow in a given time through a conducting track that is only a few nanometers wide. This presupposes that they are able to manipulate the electron flow – which they indeed achieve by means of a single-electron pump. It pumps one electron after the other through what can be imagined as a mountain chain from one valley to the next. In this way, it is possible to count the electrons arriving in the “valley”, and thus to determine the elementary charge.

The use of single-electron pumps has been presented to physicists from all over the world with two main challenges: firstly, the pumps only supply very small currents, which are very difficult to measure. Secondly, statistical errors occur during the electron transport, for instance when an electron falls back into the “valley” where it came from or when two electrons are pumped into the same valley. This is detrimental to precision. A solution has already been developed to solve the pumping errors and has been demonstrated with very slow pumps: the physicists connect several pumps in series and between the pumps, special detectors indicate whether too many or too few electrons pass through the valley. It is thus possible to correct errors while the pumps are active.

Now, scientists at PTB have succeeded in developing an innovative technique to also meet the measurement challenge. Thanks to a novel amplifier, researchers are able to amplify the small current produced by the pumps by a factor of approx. 1000. Combined with two other quantum standards, it then became possible to measure small currents with a level of precision that is unprecedented worldwide.

In their work, PTB’s physicists have shown that controlled single-electron pumps provide a considerably more precise realization of the ampere than the conventional ampere definition would allow. “For the time being, the single-electron pump is operated without correction. However, the measurement showed that the errors are indeed so small that the correction method should also work with these fast pumps. This is a real milestone towards the new SI” explains Franz Ahlers, Head of the Electrical Quantum Metrology Department of PTB. There seem to be no obstacles left on the path to the redefinition of the ampere, which is planned for 2018. Since the redefinition will only cause very small changes in the electrical units, the revision of the SI will not be noticeable for most consumers. However, things look slightly different in fields such as micro- and nano-electronics or in medical and environmental metrology. In areas such as these, the new ampere will enable a much more accurate calibration of measuring instruments.