Replication attempts are heating up cold fusion


In just a few weeks, the whole landscape of cold fusion and LENR has changed significantly and, as many have noted, 2015 might bring a breakthrough for LENR in general, with increased public awareness, scientific acceptance and maybe even commercial applications. This is great news. (from )


Most important is the apparent replication of the E-Cat phenomenon by the Russian scientist Alexander Parkhomov. On December 25, 2014, Parkhomov, a respected and experienced physicist, published a short report [1] on an experiment where he had used a reactor similar to the one used by the Swedish-Italian group in the Lugano experiment with Rossi’s E-Cat, and with similar materials in the fuel.

Parkhomov reported significant excess heat from a very small amount of fuel, just like in like other LENR experiments, and the amount of released energy was in the range of kilowatts just like with Rossi’s devices, which sets them apart from most other LENR experiments. Although the report was more of research notes than a scientific paper, the method was so simple and straight forward that it was quite convincing. Obviously it was also important that Parkhomov had performed his experiment without any contact with Rossi or the experimenters at Lugano.A review of Parkomov’s report is made by long time LENR researcher Michael McKubre in the magazine Infinite Energy. Meanwhile Parkhomov has held two seminars in Russia on his findings, and he has released a second, updated report.

Parkhomov’s report has inspired other groups to attempt a similar replication of the E-Cat effect. Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project had already planned a similar experiment, and the group is now ready to start this work, with support from Parkhomov.

Renowned LENR researcher Brian Ahern has also plans for a similar experiment.

It’s also known that the Swedish-Italian group that performed the Lugano experiment is working on continued investigations of the effect.

Apart from these, there are most probably many others who are trying the same thing without giving notice.

Apparently the interest is great all over the world. The increased interest has also been reflected in more media reports than before. One of them is a recent piece in Wired UK, noting that “if Parkhomov’s work can be copied, the Chinese may not need a licence.”

Some useful knowledge of this kind might come out of the collaboration between MFMP and the Italian researcher Francesco Piantelli, who used to work together with late Prof. Sergio Focardi before Focardi started to help Rossi.

MFMP went to see Piantelli in his lab in Tuscany, Italy, in January 2015. MFMP had a good contact with Piantelli, learning a lot from his long experience of LENR systems with nickel and hydrogen, which are different from the kind of system Rossi, even though the main elements are the same.

It’s a good thing that MFMP sticks to the idea of open science, publishing results and experiments in real time, and that the members have declared that they will never sign any kind of NDA. In this way, there’s good hope for new knowledge being communicated to other interested researchers, and that the this knowledge might grow significantly over time.All in all, things are starting to move, and they might move very fast now. On the other hand it seems that we will not get much information from Rossi and his industrial partner Industrial Heat during 2015.

Rossi still claims that he and IH are working with a 1 megawatt plant installed at the premises of a customer on commercial terms, but that they will not be ready to show the working plant until it has been running for a year.

There’s no way to confirm this.

1. cold_fusion_parkhomov_device

25th Anniversary Cold Fusion Conference at MIT

Here’s an announcement from Mitchell Swartz’s Cold Fusion Times web site of a conference to be held at MIT on March 21-23, to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the Pons-Fleischmann news conference where they introduced their cold fusion research to the world. I expect more details will be forthcoming. (from

25th Anniversary of the announcement of CF/LANR:

March 21-23, 2014 – 2014 Colloquium on CF/LANR at MIT

Speakers: Peter Hagelstein, Mitchell Swartz, Larry Forsley, Frank Gordon, Pam Mosier-Boss, George Miley, Robert Smith, Tom Claytor, Mel Miles, John Dash, Yiannis Hadjichristos, Yeong Kim, Vladimir Vysotskii, Yasuhiro Iwamura, Charles Beaudette

Rossi on his Restrictions ( to inform the Public )

People who have been following the E-Cat story for any length of time have noticed that over recent months he has been less free and open in sharing information about his work on the Journal of Nuclear Physics. A poster on the site today called attention to the fact and asked Rossi why this was the case. Here is his response. (from

Andrea Rossi
September 20th, 2013 at 10:37 AM
Honestly, I think you are right and I understand your feeling. As a matter of fact, in these last months my situation is strongly changed, because the validation and R&D work is shared with a Team that thinks it is not opportune to give any specific information before the end of the very throughly work of validation, tests, R&D in course upon the plants that have been manufactured and delivered to the Customer. This decision has been taken by the Team I am part of and I think this choice is proper. I can guarantee you that when we will have reached consoliated results, positive or negative, such results will be shared with the scientific community and eventually with the wider public, with a press conference that will be made by our communication agency. Totally different is the situation regarding the third indipendent party, whose work is made indipendent from us: the results of their work, whatever will be after the 6 months- 1 year test period, will be published from the Professors of the third indipendent party when and where they will decide, so I do not know whatever they will do, which will be totally indipendent from me.
All this will limit my communication, until the reports will be published, but, nevertheless, I will say what I will be permitted to.
Take also in consideration that my work now is much more intense, if possible, than before and the time at my disposal has been further narrowed.
Thank you for your kind attention,
Warm Regards,

I think that many people have been able to deduce what has been going on, and now Rossi has confirmed that he has been put on a short leash by his new partners with regards to sharing details on what is going on. It probably does not suit him too well — I think he likes to communicate about his work, but he is a disciplined person, and I am sure will fulfill the agreements he has made with his team.

It makes me wonder how much use Rossi has for the Journal of Nuclear Physics now. He has often said how much he has learned from people posting on his site, but it’s likely that he is getting much of his advice on developing the E-Cat from members of his team, who seem to consist of experienced engineers and scientists. I expect he will still be happy to get input and suggestions from JONP readers, but they are probably not as valuable to him as they once were.

I am glad he has not shut the JONP down. Despite the muzzling that has been imposed, he still makes interesting posts, and as the only person publicly identified with the new E-Cat team, he is a valuable source of information for those of us curious to know what is going on. I am of the conclusion that some information, however vague, is better than nothing. I’m hoping we won’t have to wait too long until the news conference he speaks of will be held.

Rossi Says US Partner Could Take Over

A few months ago, Andrea Rossi and the Leonardo Corporation took a thus-far anonymous partner in the United States. With this partnership, Rossi said that Leonardo Corp is no longer a small battleship, but an aircraft carrier. (from )

About a month later, it became known that the U.S. partner had all of the information that Mr. Rossi himself has – including the makeup of the still-secret catalyzer. This created a panic among those who have been following the development of the E-Cat and Hot Cat, because with all of the “snakes and clowns” around, some were afraid that the secret would surely be stolen. Mr. Rossi assured all of the readers of his blog, the Journal of Nuclear Physics, that his new partner shares his philosophy and commitment to making and marketing this amazing new form of alternative energy.


Once the third party reports were released, and the manufacture of the E-Cats was assured, commenters on the JONP asked Mr. Rossi if he would remain active in work with the E-Cat. Andrea Rossi assured them all that the E-Cat is an indelible part of his life, and that would remain active in the Research & Development.


Just recently, one commenter on the blog, Fabio82, asked Rossi:


“…the future of your invention is deeply connected with your person, if something bad should happens to you, is there anyone who could replace you?”


Rossi replied:


“Absolutely yes: our USA Partner has all the know how, with the industrial secrets. I am no more indispensable: just useful for the future evolution on which I am now working in the USA.”


The failsafe function of the U.S. partner is reassuring. As long as the technology of the E-Cat is secure, Mr. Rossi is free to develop even more adaptations of his device.

Stirling Engines & The E-Cat

Talk on the Journal of Nuclear Physics has now turned to the Stirling engine. While the E-Cat community mourns the loss of Prof. Focardi – co-inventor of the E-Cat, and Andrea Rossi faces threats against his safety if he leaves the United States, he continues to forge ahead with adaptations to his technology. The use of Stirling engines in his work means that the Hot Cat has progressed to the point where Mr. Rossi and his team are attempting to use the Hot Cat for electricity production.(from

On June 27th, Andrea Rossi posted on the JONP:

“To the Readers expert in Sterling Engine or manufacturers of Sterling Engines:

“Please send your proposals for Sterling Engines to be coupled with the E-Cats )power 5kW and 10 kW). The best offers will be bought for testing. Ask more details to

“Attention of Dr. Andrea Rossi.”

This is exciting news, indicating that work on the E-Cat has stepped into a new phase of development. Several commenters on the JONP jumped in with suggestions about Stirling Engines. Marchesi Marco posted:

“I’ve just read…that you’re working on electricity production. Maybe are you working on it in the usual sense with a steam turbine or could you re-evaluate the idea of a simple Stirling engine! An increasing Delta-T will augment the efficiency, so the Hot-Cat is the best choice…Or, maybe it’s an old idea, just tried and not working?”

Rossi replied:

“Yes, the Sterling Engine is an option with the new temperatures. We are studying also this kind of coupling.”

Pekka Janhunen, a frequent commenter on the JONP, asked:

“I assume that the 5 or 10 kW refers to the thermal output power of the E-Cat, not the mechanical output power of the Stirling engine which is lower by factor 3 or more. Correct?”

Dr. Rossi replied:

“yes, correct. I want to add that we are not interested to proposals of concepts or patents to be developed: we need a device ready to be tested immediately.”

The immediacy of the need for a working Stirling engine indicates that the testing phase and R&D for this technology is here, and ready to be fully developed.

Some suggestions for sources of Stirling engines, while promising leads, tend to run into patent pending situations, or into technology that is as new as the Hot Cat, itself. Chris Johnson recommended a promising company that develops this technology, but it is not patented yet, nor under production. Mr. Rossi is typically very open to new ideas and variations on the technologies involved with his E-Cats, even changing some of the construction aspects as per some suggestions from his readers. A good example of this is when he did away with the inner chamber of the reactor. So, for him to be this adamant about a working engine, it indicates that he and his team are definitely ready to move on to the next order of business with the Hot Cat.

Sergio Focardi Dies

June 22, 2013The following was posted on Andrea Rossi’s blog.  Please respect the memory and feelings of his family and friends.  From all I have seen,  he was a thoughtful,  intelligent man who worked hard in the hope of bettering us all.(from

Sergio Focardi

Andrea Rossi
June 22nd, 2013 at 2:46 AM

We all have lost one of the greatest scientists in the field of the LENR.
For me he has been a tremendous ally, he helped our work enormously and the safety certifications that we are obtaining are the fruit of his consulting during the last 7 years. For me he has been also a teacher for Physics and Mathematics, anytime I needed his help in these matters to better understand the theory behind the effect of the E-Cat.
He has always worked with us with total, absolute and disinterested attitude, thinking only the the interest of the Science behind the LENR.
All the newspapers of the scientific world will say what he has been in the Scientific and University world and his enormous legacy: he has been Professor of Physics, Mathematic, he has been the Dean of the Scientific Faculties of the Alma Mater University of Bologna and the founder of the Cesena branch of the University of Bologna. His pubilcations in the fields of Mathematics and Physics are monumental.
Now, after a long period of illness, that obviously all his friends have taken secret to respect his privacy, he ceased to suffer and starts a new duty for God under anothe form of life. I am sure he will continue to look after my work from where he is now.
See you soon, my great Friend and Master Sergio! I will never forget our work together and that day in the Brasimone Nuclear facility.
Yours Andrea Rossi