New Obama Energy Strategy Could Boost LENR

President Obama’s reelection could give low energy nuclear reaction (LENR) a pretty big boost. The President has quietly laid out a pretty radical new energy policythat has received very little attention. This energy policy seems designed to harness next generation resources such as LENR or cold fusion. (from

An executive order signed by Obama on August 30 commits the federal government to implementing something called Combined Heat and Power (CHP). Under CHP industrial facilities would generate their own electricity as well as heat. Industry would generate a lot of its own power rather than draw it off the grid. That’s obviously a paradigm shift in the way America generates electricity and a radical about face for Obama’s energy strategy.

The CHP strategy outlined in the executive order sounds a lot like the LENR devices proposed by Andrea Rossi and Francesco Celani doesn’t it. It would be perfect for the hot ecat proposed by Andrea Rossi, the Brillouin boiler technology or the Celani LENR technology that Kressen proposes to utilize to power and heat data centers.

Interestingly enough the CHP plan laid out in the executive order sets forth a national goal of deploying 40 gigawatts of new industrial CHP in the United States by 2020. This is a lot of electricity by the way a gigawatt is equal to one billion watts of electricity or one 1,000 megawatts. The United States generated around 1,138.6 gigawatts of electricity in 2010 so it is still a small percentage but an impressive one.

How could the White House hope to achieve this goal unless somebody there thinks that they have some sort of new energy source available? Could it be LENR, after all NASA has revealed its cold fusion research? Perhaps the President thinks that such an energy source is around the corner.

This executive order raises some intriguing questions and it also indicates a very different energy strategy than the one Obama had previously been pursuing. Perhaps the administration has abandoned its commitment to green energy technology after being burned in the Solyndra scandal? Or maybe something has changed its mind. It also seems to indicate that the White House might be abandoning its plant for a smart electrical grid.

The US Energy Department seems to have developed an open mind about LENR after years of ignoring it. The Defense Intelligence Agency has also put out reports on LENR, which the President may have read. Perhaps the White House has been convinced that there’s something better than solar panels and wind mills on the horizon.

So it looks like we have a new energy policy even if we don’t have a new President. This energy policy might be friendlier to LENR but it isn’t the law of the land. Laws and policies in the United States are ultimately set by Congress which controls the budget not by the President. Executive orders from the President are more like suggestions of policy rather than actual policies.

It is hard to see what the Congress will do on energy or on LENR this year because it is deadlocked. The Democrats control the Senate and the Republicans the house. There seems to be little interest in LENR in both parties. The one Senate candidate with an interest in it Bob Kerrey lost his race in Nebraska.

Still it appears that the Obama administration is changing direction on energy policy moving away from green technology and instead attempting to increase production. If true that means there will be more interest in new power sources like cold fusion in Washington. Whether this change is motivated by political reasons or the recognition that a new energy source is almost here remains to be seen.

Major Crisis For Rossi and his E-Cats

Information from websites that monitor the development of the Rossi E-Cats (3 or 4 separate models) indicate that Rossi has sidelined the original “low-temperature” E-Cats in favor of developing the new 1200°C “Hot-Cat”. This new reactor would be the “Holy Grail” of energy production and supply all types of energy (heat, electrical, mechanical, etc.) for domestic and industry.

Apparently in frustration with the progress from Rossi, a private Swedish investors group sent a technician to monitor the testing of the new, high temp. reactor at Rossi’s Bologna facility. The INPUT power measured by the technician were 2 to 3 times higher than those mentioned in a report by the Rossi engineers. So, the ‘technician’ prepared a PRESS RELEASE that told the world about this discrepancy! The Swedish group promptly halted their involvement with Rossi.

If INPUT power is 2 to 3 times higher than Rossi is reporting ‘on all his reactors’, the calculated over-unity OUTPUT values are much, much smaller? Is this proof of deliberate fraud by Rossi? Can we rely on the ‘measurements’ by the technician to know that?

Rossi’s response is that Investors measurements were done on a new high-temp model, with higher operating temperature, different power supply and hydrogen supply. Also, the method of input measurement is now different from the earlier method where there was lower input power. Thus, the Rossi September 9 report reflected the earlier testing of another E-Cat.

Engineers working with/for Rossi acknowledges that there are problems with measurement of input power. “The problem was solved (after the Swedish incident) through use of a VARIAC (variable voltage and current transformer) to stabilize the current and voltages,” “Cures”, the test engineer said.

Apparently Rossi let his guard down by allowing this unknown ‘technician’ to wander around the shop and grab a quick (probably a clamp-on meter) INPUT reading on the Hot-Cat? Without knowing what is in that power supply, how could anyone measure and calculate accurate INPUT values? All of these measurements; Technician’s and Rossi’s are of little value – only INDEPENDENT, THIRD-PARTY VALIDATION TESTING can be relied on for confirmation that the E-Cat and Hot-Cat are real and are a new science and technology ready for commercial use.

All we can do now is be patient and hope that Andrea Rossi can prevail and deliver his E-Cat technology for both domestic and industrial use. The world is counting on you Rossi. Be brave and be strong – don’t let this crisis stop you.

High Temperature E-Cat Report Published


September 8, 2012

Below are three separate documents which comprise the report that Andrea Rossi has authorized for release. The first document is the main report, the second is a data file from this report, and the third contains some corrections to the first report and expanded information.

Andrea Rossi asked that I issue this statement along with the reports.

“This report comes from two separated tests made on the 16th of July and the 7th of August, made by the Certificator and professors from 2 Universities. We are under NDA with both, but I want to make very clear that this is not a final report, because all the measurements have to be repeated many times before reaching the reliability necessary to a product. Therefore all the measurements have to be repeated many times more. We are on the right way to make a very important product, but much R&D work has still to be done.”




Rossi on the Zurich Meeting, University Report

Andrea Rossi was asked today on his JONP site, “when we can be told the name of the scientific journal that will publish the report you plan to present in Zurich on Sep 8.” (from

Here’s Rossi’s response:

Thank you for your important question.
My speak in Zurich will regard the report of the tests made on the 16th of July and on the 6th of August made basically for the product certification in course for the Hot Cats. This report will be published by thechnical and specialistic publications after the 9th of September, by the scientific journalists who will attend the meeting.
The rigorous publication deriving from the third party validation that we will make, as I said, within October by a University will be made by the professors who will make the validation, so I do know where it will be published. Please do not ask me which will be the University, I am under NDA and, by the way, three Universities are candidates for this work, should the one that has been chosen since now will retreat for any reason. We have to respect the rules and the decisions of the Universities, who, obviously, do not depend from us. I can anyway say that the test made on the 16th of July has been made with 6 professors of 2 Universities, but unofficially: it has been a preparatory test.
I am under a strict NDA for this test, whose results will be published in the context of the Certificator’s work, not of the Universities.

From what Rossi says here, and what he has said in the past, we can expect two reports — the first one will be the one which will be published in September which is based on testing done during the certification process,and which Rossi will discuss at the Zurich Conference, and the second one will come from a University. Rossi here is exercising some caution as to which University will be publishing the second report. In the past he has mentioned Bologna, but now won’t say, mentioning three possible candidates.

Rossi has also said previously that the September report would be published in a “scientific magazine” — it looks like he is expecting journalists at the Zurich meeting to report on what goes on there. While that sounds likely, I’m not sure that we can entirely count on that happening, since we are still waiting for the Associated Press article to be published about the October 28th test last year, to which they sent a science reporter. We’ll have to see how it all pans out.

UPDATE: The University of Bologna’s Official Magazine published this statement today.

August 27, 2012

Statement by the Vice Rector for Research Dario Braga and the Director of the Department of Physics Paolo Capiluppi

Following the statements appeared in some media about an upcoming release from the University of Bologna of measurements results made on Mr. Andrea Rossi’s device called “E-cat”, the Vice-Rector for research, Professor Dario Braga, and the Director of the Department of Physics, Professor Paolo Capiluppi, reiterate to the press what was stated as early as January 2012, and that is that there is no formal relationship between the University of Bologna and the EFA srl and that there are not measures underway nor scheduled on Mr. Andrea Rossi’s device called “E-cat” at the University of Bologna.

The University of Bologna restates, however, its full readiness to make available its expertise and equipment to make measurements on the production of heat from the device, at the condition that the results are public and disclosed.”