“BigBrain” Project Makes Terabyte Map of a Human Brain

For the first time ever a complete 3-D digital map of a post mortem human brain will be available online for neuroscientists and anyone who wants a better idea of what their grey matter really looks like. The new ultra-detailed model, consisting of a terabyte of data, is part of the European Human Brain Project, created in a joint effort by Canadian and German neuroscientists. With a resolution of 20 micrometers it’s the only model yet to go beyond the macroscopic level. At this degree of resolution cells 20 micrometers in diameter are visible. Although individual smaller cells can’t be seen, it’s possible to identify and analyze the distribution of cells into cortical areas and sub-layers. Previous brain mapping efforts had resolutions one-fiftieth as fine. (from http://spectrum.ieee.org)

“The whole point of such a modeling project is that you can then start to simulate what the brain does in normal development in children or in degeneration,” says Dr. Alan Evans, a professor of biomedical engineering at the McGill University, in Montreal. “If you wanted to look to Alzheimer’s Disease, you can examine how that brain might perform computationally in a computational model if you remove certain key structures or key connections.”

Collecting images for the project involved slicing up the brain of a once healthy 65-year-old woman into over 7000 segments, each thinner than a human hair, and then digitizing the findings. This was an especially challenging task, because, once digitized, ruptures created in the slicing process had to be detected and then corrected to develop the final model; a task done both by large amount computer analysis and by manually shifting pieces of data to their proper locations.

The BigBrain is just one of many large-scale brain mapping projects including President Obama’s recently proposed BRAIN Initiative, Paul Allen’s Brain Atlas, and the Human Connectome Project. The BigBrain is the only one to provide a complete map of an individual brain. The Human Connectome Project and BRAIN Initiative focus more on brain activity. The latter will map the connections of small groups of neurons. The former compiles thousands of MRI images from 68 volunteers to map activity, look at how individual brains vary, and see which parts of the brain are involved in specific tasks. Paul Allen’s Brain Atlas focuses more on gene expression in the brain.

Obviously an in depth model of a single post mortem brain can’t really say much about brain activity nor can it account for slight variances in the structures of individual brains, says Dr. Katrin Amunts, a professor of structural functional brain mapping at Aachen University. Think of it as a general model into which data collected from in vivo brains can be put into context.

The project is “a common basis for scientific discussions because everybody can work with this brain model and we speak about the same basic findings and we can develop new methodical aspects based on these common model of the human brain,” says Dr. Karl Zilles, a senior professor at the Jülich-Aachen Research Alliance.

BigBrain pushes the limits of today’s technology, as software doesn’t yet exist to place data from multiple brains into a single model at 20-micrometer resolution. A 1-micrometer model could take up 20 to 22 petabytes of data, an amount that no computer today would be able to process, according to Amunts.

Universities, IBM join forces to build a brain-like computer

IBM and four universities are planning a research project into cognitive computing, which seeks to build computers that operate in a manner closer to the human mind.(from pcworld.com)

The goal is to create systems that extend well beyond Watson, IBM’s computer that famously competed on the trivia game show Jeopardy and defeated two former champions, IBM said in a news release.The project will be undertaken with Carnegie Mellon University, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, New York University and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, IBM said.

IBM linked the research with “big data,” the term for using computers in new ways to process large volumes of structured and unstructured data in order to make it more accessible and useful.

Topics to be explored include how applications can boost group decision making, how processing power and algorithms apply to artificial intelligence, how systems should be designed for more natural interaction and how deep learning impacts automated pattern recognition in science.

IBM said there is a need for additional research to identify systems and processes to support computing models that allow systems and people to work together in different domains of expertise.

It is hoped that cognitive computers will process natural language and unstructured data, learning by experience as humans do, according to IBM’s website.

Computer won’t replace people, but will “act as a decision support system and help them make decisions, whether in health care, finance or customer service,” the company wrote.

“Computers today are just very large, very fast number crunchers and information manipulators,” IBM wrote. “They can process lots of data, but they really don’t think. ”

IBM is already working on a project called Systems of Neuromorphic Adaptive Plastic Scalable Electronics or SyNAPSE, which seeks to imitate how neurons receive sensory input and connect. The goal of that project is to mimic the brain’s computing efficiency, size and power usage — without being programmed.


Human brain project kicks off in Geneva, How to build a human brain

Scientists from 135 research institutions are in Geneva this week for the launch of the Human Brain Project. The goal of the neuroscience project is to foster a deeper understanding of how the human brain works.(from swissinfo.ch)

where does a neuron start?

“Today we are beginning a journey to unify our understanding of the brain. It’s a very exciting journey and a very difficult journey that will require hundreds if not thousands of scientists over the next ten years. It will provide us with the foundation to understanding mental health, brain disease and ultimately who we are as humans,” coordinator Henry Markam told swissinfo.ch on Monday. Markam is a neuroscientist at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL).

In January, the European Union (EU) selected the Human Brain Project (HBP) for one of its flagship grants, worth more than €1 billion (CHF1.23 billion). The project’s total budget is an estimated €1.2 billion.

Over the next 30 months, HBP scientists will set up and test research platforms covering the following subjects: neuroinformatics, brain simulation, high-performance computing, medical informatics, neuromorphic computing and neurorobotics. In 2016, these platforms will be ready for use by researchers all over the world.

As Markam told swissinfo.ch, the HBP will be especially helpful in coping with the challenges of aging.

“In the next few decades society faces enormous challenges of overpopulation and increasing aging and we are not ready. This will place new stresses on society and like a pressure cooker will produce new diseases,” Markam said.

“We believe this project will provide a concrete foundation for how to understand the brain, from genes through to cognition and behaviour. We will also be able to understand how the brain breaks down and gives us different diseases.”

(And at this point you will find a mainstream articel and a hint to their understanding of this very important Project. 6/66′)

What if you could build a computer that works just like the human brain? Scientists have started to imagine the possibilities: We could invent new forms of industrial machinery, create fully autonomous thinking cars, devise new kinds of home appliances. A new project in Europe hopes to create a computer brain just that powerful in the next ten years — and it’s incredibly well-funded. (from foxnews.com)

There’s just one catch: computers that fast simply haven’t been invented yet.

The Human Brain Project kicks off Oct. 7 at a conference in Switzerland. Over the next 10 years, about 80 science institutions and at least 20 government entities in Europe will figure out how to make that computer brain. The project will cost about $10 billion euros — or about $1.3B in US dollars.

The research hinges on creating a super-powerful computer that’s 1,000 times faster than those in use today. If you’re keeping track, that’s an “exascale” supercomputer, one fast enough to model a nuclear explosion or the complex, planetwide forces that shape the climate. Just a few years ago, scientists started using “petascale” supercomputers like Blue Waters at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) in Illinois that went online last year.
“Well-known manufacturers of supercomputers like IBM, Cray, Intel, and Bull, are committed to building the first exascale machines by approximately 2020. So we are confident we will have the machines we need,” Henry Markram, the director of the Human Brain Project at École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne in Switzerland, told FoxNews.com. Markram also directs the Blue Brain project started in 2005 that hopes to reverse-engineering the human brain by rebuilding the molecules.

For scientists, these sorts of projects are all about understanding ourselves. The brain is the least understood organ in the human body. We don’t really know how the brain controls our thoughts, our bodily functions, or our behavior. And, Markham says the lack of processing power in modern computer is the least of our worries.

He says a computer brain will consume gigawatts of power, require new forms of memory, and force scientists to look at cutting edge storage techniques. But the immense technical hurdles will be worth the effort. The first phases will help us understand how the brain functions. In later phases, we’ll find out how we learn, how we see and hear, and why the brain sometimes doesn’t process information correctly.

Dr. Gayani DeSilva, a psychiatrist with a private practice in Orange, Calif., told FoxNews.com a human brain model could have “unimaginable” implications for medicine, helping us learn how we adapt, heal, and develop. “The more we know about our brains, the more we can utilize our brains to its full potential, intervene when issues arise, replicate in artificial creations the power of the brain’s ability to integrate a vast amount of information that then causes other systems to perform specific actions,” she says.

“The human brain is immensely complex, and a model reduces this complexity into a controlled system. In a model, scientists can test hypotheses as to how the human brain works, and what occurs in disease in order to understand how to treat neurological conditions. It’s analogous to astronauts training in a flight simulator prior to a shuttle launch,” added Amina Ann Qutub, a bioengineer at Rice University.

Fortunately, scientists won’t have to wait 10 years for the results. Markram says there will be initial models they can use for medical research with a year. In three years, they will have models that could help us build new kinds of computer chips. (That’s right: the brain project itself will help them build the computer brain.)

As with any cutting edge science, we don’t know yet what we don’t know. (“mh!” i’ll compare it to the found new knowledge in the field of human genomics. 6/66) Qutub says this is all unmapped territory. “The number of total cells including the neurons, vascular cells, and glia in a human brain is more than the number of stars in the Milky Way,” she said.

That’s enough to give scientists quite the headache.

( you can find the cataloge of the host of the HBP here )